Available paintings by Lesley Skeates. Please click on the thumbnails for more images and full information.

Lesley Skeates
Lesley uses palette knives and thick, luscious oil paint to capture a scene. She has developed a painterly style, working at speed to capture fleeting moments of light, weather or tide. Lesley grew up in the Midlands, but deep down she has always felt an affinity with the countryside and the coast.
After graduating in Fine Art from Aberystwyth University, Lesley enjoyed a successful career as a medical artist. During that time she won awards for her design work, and her illustrations featured in academic books and journals, including the world-famous Gray’s Anatomy.
Settled in Scotland, Lesley now works full time as a landscape artist. She is happiest immersed in the countryside, beside a burn or under a tree, painting directly from nature.
She says: “The small panels allow me to work 'alla prima’ and finish a painting in one session.” she explains, “Using palette knives I can drag and push the colours into each other and create a rich pattern and texture to the surface of the paint.”