Available paintings by Stephanie Pijper. Please click on the thumbnails for more images and full information.




Stephanie Pijper
Stephanie Pijper graduated from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design in 2006 with a BA Honours degree in Fine Art. She has since exhibited throughout the UK, winning the Pauline Fay Lazarus Award in 2012 followed by 3rd Prize in the Winsor & Newton Young Artist of the Year Awards 2013. Stephanie style is recognisable for her distinctive Kintsugi still lives, depicted with harmonious colour palettes and intricate attention to detail.
Stephanie says: "I am fascinated by the ancient Japanese art of Kintsugi, where broken porcelain is mended with steaks of gold. An object has been reborn as something new, and in my opinion, of superior beauty to before due to it's story of resilience. My paintings are created mindfully with an emphasis on elegance, tranquility and strength being at the heart of each work."