Ruth Corbett

Available paintings by Ruth Corbett. Please click on the thumbnails for more images and full information.





Ruth Corbett Artist

Ruth Corbett concentrates mainly on Still Life and landscape painting.  She exhibits throughout the UK, as well as being collected internationally.

Born in Ayrshire, Ruth studied Fine Art at Duncan of Jordanstone College before moving to London where she worked in education while painting part-time. During this period she exhibited at a number of group shows with other Scottish painters.

Following her move back to Scotland she combined her interest in both painting and psychotherapy using art as part of the therapeutic process. She has continued to work in this field teaching drawing and painting skills to adults who have suffered head injuries.

Ruth paints in oils on both panel and canvas and loves to work outdoors in peaceful places where she can immerse herself in nature, but also has a strong interest in still life painting which can be done easily in her studio.

Ruth says: "I am drawn to nature and beauty in all its forms from a stormy sky to the way  light surrounds fruit which I have placed within various narratives. I am constantly looking to develop my work , put simply art and painting has been crucial to my life and being able to express myself through paint is a joy."