Marie Louise Wrightson

Available paintings by Marie Louise Wrightson. Please click on the thumbnails for more images and full information.

Macaroons and Tea with Alice

She Has Her Head in the Clouds




Marie Louise Wrightson Artist

Marie Louise Wrightson is a graduate of Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, Dundee.  Following a degree in Fine Art, she also took a Masters.  Since graduating in 2005, she has exhibited widely and her work is held in numerous collections.

Marie's modern twist on a very fine art style has gained her an excellent reputation.  She paints from her summer house studio which has become a shrine to the great British seaside.  Collected over many years numerous novelties make their way into a variety of her paintings. Born in Lincolnshire but having lived in Scotland for the past twenty years Marie is inspired by precious childhood memories of visits to the seaside as a young girl in Hunstanton and later visits to Weymouth and Whitby where she would be spellbound by an array of enticing & mesmerizing colourful sweets in shop windows, dazzling sights and sounds to be savoured at amusements & merry go round rides.

Marie's figures enjoy playful novelties and tempting indulgences, she is embraced by the fun and fantasy, having remained in touch with her childhood spirit, Unique memories are visualised into the personality of the female figures within the paintings, the use of still life objects which the figures may be holding or arranged around her. 'Like many people, I have been influenced and inspired by fairy tales, cartoons, films and children’s books; especially the Alice in Wonderland stories'.