Angus Clark

Available paintings by Angus Clark. Please click on the thumbnails for more images and full information.

Morar, Silver Sands Beach

Morar, Camusdarach Beach, Looking to Eigg and Rum

Gargunnock Hills in Autumn from Kippen

Arisaig, Traigh Beach, Looking to Eigg




Angus Clark Artist

Angus Clark lives and works in Bearsden, just outside Glasgow.  Angus says: "My passion is for painting in the outdoors and this is where I take my inspiration. I find this the only truly authentic way to capture the essence of the natural landscape in its ever changing moods, from the remoteness and beauty of the Scottish Western Isles to the vivid colours of the Mediterranean. When the inclement Scottish climate prevents outdoor painting I find the challenges of Still Life irresistible.

My goal is to convey a ‘sense of place’, for the painting to absorb and reflect the energy and intensity of what I see around me. They all start as colour sketches carried out quickly in the open to capture the essential information and refined as oil paintings in the studio, adjusting the composition and interplay of the shapes, colour and values as required.

The sea and the shore around the scottish islands have always had a profound influence on me. I take inspiration from that natural environment and also the works of the great French Impressionists as well as the Scottish Colourists, Peploe, Cadell and the ‘Glasgow Boys’, due to their mastery in conveying the changing light and colour subtleties found around Scottish coastlines.

My preference is for painting in oils, used in an impressionistic and painterly manner to convey the sense of space, vibrancy, and mood of the subject. My focus is on the use of colour mainly using the medium of oil, in revealing and accentuating these atmospheric qualities, in attempting to capture the physical realities of sea, rain, clouds and sun."